Niemiller Travel Scholarship
The Niemiller travel scholarship is available for any student (undergraduate or graduate student) wishing to attend the annual THS meeting. Scholarship is for $100 and will be awarded to the winner prior to the meeting. Preference will be given to students giving an oral presentation, but poster presentations will be considered. Scholarship will be awarded to the student based on 1) abstract topic (Tennessee focus or at least applicable to Tennessee) 2) abstract content (how well the abstract is written) with preference given to oral presentations over poster.
To apply, please submit your abstract for the meeting using the following form:
Deadline: The deadline for the 2022 Niemiller Travel Scholarship is September 8, 2022
Recipients of the Niemiller Travel Award
2018 - Todd Pierson (University of Tennessee- Knoxville)
"Secondary contact and ecological segregation in the two-lined salamander (Eurycea bislineata) species complex"
2019 - Bradley Nissen (Tennessee State University)
"Assessing short-term effects of translocation on the spatial ecology of eastern hellbenders"